Wisereads Vol. 6 โ Most highlighted content in Readwise
Last week, we shared the entirety of The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by our good friend, Eric Jorgenson. This week, we’re excited to share the ebook Triangle Selling: Sales Fundamentals to Fuel Growth by Hilmon Sorey and Cory Bray.
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Most highlighted Articles of the week

100 Ways To Live Better
Jacob Falkovich’s Threadapalooza 2019 submission popped up on LessWrong last week, filled with gonzo life tips for Mind to Body and beyond. Meta: ”You know the saying about letting people suspect you’re dumb rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt? Fuck that.” Stuff: “A girl in every port, a USB-C in every room.” The Soul: “Take a tab of acid and hang out with a 5-year-old as equals.” Relationships: “Put a reminder on your phone to call your grandma. Ask her to tell you about some of the dumbest shit she has done in her life.”

The Musk Algorithm
DHH is the co-author of books such as Remote: Office Not Required and It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work — espousing management principles clearly opposed to Elon Musk’s way of doing business — yet he still raves about Walter Isaacson’s new biography. “The part of the business book I've enjoyed the most is the countless illustrations of how Musk applies his ‘algorithm’. A methodology for shipping everything from electric cars to Mars rockets to flamethrowers to humanoid robots.”

My solopreneur story: zero to $45K/mo in 2 years
Tony Dinh shares his Pieter Levels-inspired indiehacker journey — no customer interviews, throw stuff at the wall, launch fast, nuke it if it doesn't work, move on to the next project, and share your story in public as marketing. “In summary, my Twitter strategy was: Build interesting stuff and share it in public. Engage with other people. Write threads. A lot of memes and jokes. Overall, be an interesting person and be nice.”
Most highlighted YouTube Video of the week

The drawing advice that changed my life
While working for an eccentric artist early in his career, Campbell Walker (aka struthless) received a bit of advice that inspired him to draw what Australians call “bin chickens” (aka ibises) every day for a year — leading him to realize his creative potential. “One day you write a song, the next day you write a poem, and then the third day you do a drawing, and none of it adds up to anything. All you're doing is laying a single brick of a million different houses and expecting that one day it'll magically become a mansion. It's not gonna happen.”
Most highlighted Twitter Thread of the week

Thread of some advice on finding a wife
Love all women. Live with intention. And leave the comfort of private life to live in public. These are the ways, says Simon Sarris, a man might secure a spouse in this modern era. "And cut way, way back on the criticizing, condemning, complaining. No one has ever thought 'he bitches all day on twitter dot com but you know: he does it just right.'"
Most highlighted PDF of the week
The Lost Chapter: Your First Avatar
In this bonus chapter to his book $100M Offers: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No, Alex Hormozi shares how he replaces low quality customers with high quality ones (avatars) to scale any type of business. “It was Pareto's principle (80/20) on steroids. Twenty percent of customers bring in eighty percent of revenue. If you replace the eighty percent with those high spenders, you grow the business 5x.”
Hand-picked book of the week

Triangle Selling: Sales Fundamentals to Fuel Growth
Everyone knows selling is an invaluable skill. As Sam Altman writes in How To Be Successful: “Get good at sales.” Or as Naval preaches in How to Get Rich (without getting lucky): “Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.” But how?
There’s no shortage of books on sales out there. One of the best guides we’ve read — Triangle Selling — happens to be written by the second paying customer of Readwise ever: sales coach Cory Bray. “People say that sales is ‘part art and part science.’ Based on our experience, a lot of what is considered art is in fact poorly understood science. Sales operates at the intersection of business and psychology, and salespeople who take the time to understand the science behind human-to-human interactions gain a significant advantage over their counterparts who believe that selling is a romanticized art form, where much is left to chance.”
While targeted at salespeople starting their careers and sales leaders elevating their teams, the practical advice in Triangle Selling can help anyone trying to get good at sales. Cory is sharing his full ebook with the Readwise community. If you like what you read, we invite you to follow Cory on LinkedIn (Twitter for sales folk, okay?) and check out his companion book Triangle Selling Field Guide ๐
Handpicked RSS feed of the week

Noted by Jillian Hess
In her newsletter Noted, Jillian Hess explores the art and science of note-taking, often by examining the notes of famous authors, artists, and thinkers. Of Jean-Michel Basquiat’s notebooks: “Too often, we think of notebooks as a way-station: a necessary stop en-route to the perfected, polished work of art. But what if the notebook is the work of art? What if the process of taking notes is the point?”