Wisereads Vol. 20 — Steve Jobs on how to Make Something Wonderful, the future of crypto, and more
Last week, we shared a classic adventure epic, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. This week, we’re sharing Make Something Wonderful from the Steve Jobs Archive, a collection of his greatest speeches, interviews, and emails.
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Most highlighted Articles of the week

100 tiny changes to transform your life: from the one-minute rule to pyjama yoga
The Guardian gathers advice from authors to doctors in a list of meaningful but simple life tweaks, including: “Making homemade soup to eat at work. It nourishes twice over: when I make it and when I eat it,” and “Getting direct sunlight in the morning. Even if it’s only for five minutes, it makes a huge difference to my circadian rhythms and overall mood.”

That Numbness You’re Feeling? There’s a Word for It
Wharton Professor and Hidden Potential author Adam Grant explores the nuances between empathy and compassion. “Caring itself is not costly. What drains people is not merely witnessing others’ pain but feeling incapable of alleviating it. In times of sustained anguish, empathy is a recipe for more distress, and in some cases even depression. What we need instead is compassion.”

Make Ethereum Cypherpunk Again
In his latest think piece, Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin revisits the grander humanitarian vision for crypto: “We are not here to just create isolated tools and games, but rather build holistically toward a more free and open society and economy, where the different parts - technological, social and economic - fit into each other.”
Most highlighted YouTube Video of the week

The Holy Grail of Neovim Note Taking
Omer Hamerman reveals his note-taking strategy as a developer: Neovim for text editing and Obsidian for organizing and linking notes. “Our mind is basically capturing knowledge, kind of like in a grid system. So, managing bits of information that can be linked to one another is not only key for the present, but also for the future.”
Most highlighted Twitter Thread of the week

How I achieved a biological age of 26 at age 40
VC Sean Kelly shares his tips for feeling young, highlighting stress management: “Too much cortisol (the stress hormone) makes your body age quicker than your chronological age,” and optimism: “Optimism boosts your overall psychological well-being and also helps with healthy aging and better cardiovascular health.”
Most highlighted PDF of the week
How to Walk and Talk
The Inevitable author Kevin Kelly and author-photographer Craig Mod share a guide to organizing "Walk and Talks," which they consider some of their most enriching experiences. “A walk-and-talk is a moveable salon. A small group of people walk together for a week, having casual conversations side-by- side during most of the day…By the end of the week, every person present has walked about 100 km and has had deep conversations with all the others.”
Hand-picked book of the week

Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words
While there's no shortage of biographies or biopics on Steve Jobs, there's sadly no autobiography. Make Something Wonderful: Steve Jobs in his own words is the closest we’ll ever come.
“There’s lots of ways to be, as a person. And some people express their deep appreciation in different ways. But one of the ways that I believe people express their appreciation to the rest of humanity is to make something wonderful and put it out there."
This collection provides unique insights into Steve Jobs' life, chronicling his early years, the rise of Apple, his time at Pixar, and beyond, through a compilation of interviews, emails, and speeches.
Handpicked RSS feed of the week

Scope of Work
Spencer Wright, Hillary Predko, and guests deliver weekly insights on engineering, manufacturing, and infrastructure in their Scope of Work newsletter. From How Slow Scan TV Shaped The Moon: “The crude videos from the moon were broadcast using slow-scan television, which influenced how we came to imagine the surface of the moon. While we all know the moon isn’t literally a shaky video, it's hard to fully separate visual media of the moon from our internal concept of being on the moon.”